Iceland, the cradle of sustainable cod

Sustainability is the basis of our material, being aware that we must maintain our seas, with its flora and fauna in a responsible way to offer a sustainable, wild and 100% natural cod.

Our commitment to sustainability starts with working only with Iceland.

Iceland offers a sustainable product due to its strict quota fishing system. Each year the Icelandic Ministry of Agriculture and Fisheries allocates a maximum number of tons to be fished to each factory. Depending on the annual survey of the marine environment the quota is decreased or increased. This ensures that the ecosystem is not overfished.

Barco en las costas islandesas pescando bacalao

Cod caught on hook

Bacalao pescado con anzuelo

Icelandic wild cod is a recognized quality product, sustainably sourced from the pure waters of Iceland. It is processed according to the highest standards and receives optimal treatment until it reaches the market.

Fishing families have been using the hook-and-line method for Gadus Morhua, the wild Atlantic cod, for 400 years. The catches are treated under some of the strictest quality control standards in the world. The Icelandic fishing industry joined together to develop the Iceland Responsible Fisheries program to promote good fisheries management in Icelandic waters.

For all these reasons, at Rafols we work with a raw material that is exclusively cod fished with hooks that comes from factories included in the IRF program. In this way we ensure an artisanal and selective fishing, contrary to net fishing; an industrial, non-selective fishing that has a serious impact on the seabed.

It is also important to mention that gillnet fishing always offers a higher quality product with clean, white flesh, since cod that has been subjected to the stress of trawling suffers blows that cause the flesh to show blood stains due to internal bruising. In addition, hook trawlers have a smaller capacity, so the number of days that the cod spends on ice at sea is greatly reduced, while the quality of the cod loses.

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La carne blanca del Bacalao Rafols
Bacalao con certificado MSC

Msc certified cod

Iceland is thus one of the countries that have taken a leading role in the management of its fisheries. The Icelandic fisheries system is developed in accordance with international legislation and the Code of Conduct for Responsible Fisheries of the Food and Agriculture Organization of the United Nations.

The aim of the Icelandic Responsible Fisheries chain of custody certification is to ensure accurate information on the origin and traceability of seafood products. Buyers can be assured that the cod comes from a sustainable source.

The Icelandic cod industry has demonstrated its commitment to sustainable fishing by helping to build a groundswell of demand for eco-certified products.

Rafols Cod is proud to be part of this approach and that is why all our raw material is MSC certified, CERTIFIED SUSTAINABLE SEAFOOD, an international seal that ensures that all our product has been fished in compliance with international sustainability standards.

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